Cheap car insurance seems to be what everyone looks for nowadays. Saving money is such a top priority to so many consumers, and you could very well be in that group of savers too. How is it possible to find low cost auto insurance? As you may find, low cost auto insurance isn’t something that usually pops out at you, waiting for you to come and grab it up. While some companies claim to have the lowest rates, some drivers are disappointed that those low rates only apply to drivers who meet certain criteria which cannot be met by others and leads to hopeless frustration.
If you can push aside the frustration for a bit longer, we can provide some insight on how to find that low cost insurance. And, if you don’t qualify for cheap auto insurance for one reason or another, we can show you a few discounts you might be able to apply towards your policy cost.
Comparing Companies Will Help You Find Low Cost Auto Insurance
Comparison shopping, no matter what the product may be, always helps consumers find their product for the cheapest available price. Wouldn’t you shop at the store who offers the lowest price? Most consumers would say yes, of course. The same applies to auto insurance. Although it’s not a physical product, it is a service that protects you and your vehicle from damage or replacement expenses.
Most auto insurance companies will offer the same types of coverage options to purchase for your auto insurance policy, and most of them come with the same terms and conditions. By doing a thorough comparison, you can find the differences, if there are any, and then look at the prices of those same options. There’s no doubt if you find the same coverage option for a cheaper price, you’re going to pick the company who offers the cheapest price.
The most convenient way for you to compare auto insurance companies is by using our site. On our Homepage, simply enter in your zip code and complete the list of questions. We will send you a list of auto insurance companies and their price quotes for a policy, which you can take and decide which one to purchase. There’s no obligation to purchase, nor are there any fees to use our service, so there’s really no harm in using our comparison service.
A Clean Record Will Get You Low Cost Auto Insurance
Drivers who are beginning their descent into the realities of auto insurance have a bit of an advantage over those who are experienced drivers and have already tainted their driving record. You will find that drivers who have no traffic incidents — tickets or accidents — on their driving record will be paying far less for their auto insurance compared to those drivers who do have traffic incidents on their record. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Auto insurance companies obviously charge the latter group of drivers a higher rate because they file more claims and cause the insurance company to pay out more money than the first group of drivers with no incidents.
Auto insurance companies assign a level of risk to all drivers. This level of risk reflects the chances that driver is going to file a claim, and the higher the risk, the higher the premium.
If you have received tickets or have been involved in accidents, you have already seen your rates rise. To get them back down again, you will need to work on not getting any further incidents on your record so you can lower your level of risk with the insurance company. Driving cautiously and being aware of your surroundings (including the speed limit and stop signs) will help you keep your driving record clean and get low auto insurance rates.
The Vehicle You Drive Can Be Used To Your Advantage (or Disadvantage)
Were you aware your vehicle assists in determining the cost of your auto insurance? There are a few things to know that can help you use your vehicle to get low cost auto insurance. You can apply this knowledge as you purchase your next vehicle. First, a car that has safety features will get a cheaper premium cost. How many airbags does your vehicle have? Is it equipped with a car alarm? What other safety mechanisms are in included with the car? Letting your insurer know these things will lower the cost of your policy.
Second, a car that is brand new is much more expensive to insure than a car that isn’t brand new. The cost to repair or replace a new car is very expensive for an auto insurer, and therefore they will charge more to insure such a vehicle. Also, on an older car, you may not need to carry options like comprehensive or collision because the cash value of the car isn’t worth the cost of that insurance. With a new car, you would absolutely need to pay for comprehensive and collision coverage.
Third, the type of vehicle you drive factors into your premium cost. It is definitely more expensive to insure a fast sports car than it is to insure a typical four-door sedan. Cars that have the ability to drive fast are usually driven fast and sometimes are then involved in traffic incidents. Auto insurers charge higher rates to drive these cars because the level of risk is increased.
Your Personal Statistics Affect Your Cost
There isn’t much that drivers can do to change these things, but knowing these factors affect your auto insurance cost can help a driver figure out why their insurance may cost more than someone else’s. Young male drivers are statistically less cautious than young female drivers, which leaves young male drivers paying more for their auto insurance. However, the older a driver gets, the more responsible they are thought to be and their insurance cost decreases. Married drivers are charged less for auto insurance compared to their single peers, mostly because married drivers drive more cautiously with their spouse present in the car.
Low cost auto insurance isn’t easy for every driver to find, but it is out there. Taking the time to compare auto insurance companies, clean up your driving record, and evaluate the car you drive will help lower your cost for auto insurance.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
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