It may seem like an impossible feat for any driver to get cheap auto insurance, but with a positive attitude and time to do some research all drivers can get their auto insurance rates cheaper than what they are currently paying. Because each driver has a different level of driving experience, each driver will have different routes to take to find ways to decrease the amount they pay for auto insurance. We have broken it down to two groups, giving information to teenage drivers (or any new driver) and experienced drivers on what to do to get cheap auto insurance. You will notice that some of the suggestions apply to both groups, but take it as something that should be made into a habit to always be qualified for low auto insurance.
What can teenage drivers do?
All teenage or new drivers should begin their driving experience by having an understanding that although driving can be fun and a way to feel older or temporarily escape from home or school life, it is a privilege that should be taken seriously. Parents should take responsibility and set ground rules regarding the teen’s driving. Often, a contract is made, clearly stating rules, what is expected of the teen driver, and what the consequences are for breaking those rules. Rules should be based around safe driving, including no cell phone use while driving, how loud the radio can be if used at all, when the teen is allowed to use the vehicle, or the number of friends that can be in the vehicle while the teen is driving. Parents shouldn’t hesitate to help their teen driver learn how to be safe while driving by setting rules and expecting them to be followed.
When discussing rules, parents may want to point out that the “cleaner” a driving record is, the cheaper that driver is to insure. Teen drivers start their driving career with a clean slate, having no marks against them. The longer this record stays clear of accidents and tickets, the better off the driver will be in the years to come. One consequence to getting an accident or ticket could be the teen pays for the increase in premium due to their receiving a ticket or causing an accident. Teen drivers are already expensive to insure, and adding a traffic incident to their record only increases it more. Stress the importance of keeping auto insurance premiums as low as possible so the teen understands and perhaps becomes more sympathetic to the financial side of things.
Teenage drivers can also learn the responsibility of driving by having to pay for their portion of the auto insurance policy. Policyholders or parents can figure this amount out by finding the difference between the policy premium before the teen began driving and what the policy is currently now that the teen is driving. Some parents may find this too harsh of an expectation for their child, and if that is the case, then perhaps this could be a consequence the teen must endure if they break a rule in the contract. Paying for gas is another way to teach the teen about driving responsibly. This could help prevent the teen from going on aimless joyrides around town, which could put the teen at a greater risk of being involved in an accident.
Our final suggestion for teen drivers is to be careful of the type of car they drive. Most teenagers dream of driving the coolest car at school; something fast, something everyone covets, and something expensive. However, these types of vehicles are very expensive to insure, especially to a teenage driver. If the parents can afford both the “cool car” and the insurance to cover it, by all means, purchase whatever is wanted. The remaining group of drivers should look for something safe but older for their teen. Ask the question, if my teenage driver wrecked this car, how much would it cost to repair and how upset would I be?
What can experienced drivers do? (clean up record, vehicle type, less miles)
Drivers who have had the opportunity to drive cars for a while should have the experience needed to make good judgment calls in all or most driving situations. Using this knowledge to their advantage will help lower auto insurance rates through keeping their record free from accidents and traffic tickets. If the experienced driver has traffic incidents on their record, it will take time for those to disappear. The best thing a driver can do in this situation is wait it out and make sure to use their driving knowledge to avoid adding more traffic incidents to their record. And, just for the record, your driving record will always follow you, no matter which auto insurance company you use.
Another thing experienced drivers can do to get cheap auto insurance is to drive their vehicle less. A car that is driven less is obviously on the road less, which decreases the chance that it will be mixed up in an accident. Auto insurance companies ask for an estimation of the mileage the car will be driven, and that estimation helps to produce the final premium cost. Taking the bus or carpooling to and from the driver’s destinations will help lower the miles on the insured vehicle, thus lowering the cost of insurance.
A suggestion given to the teenage driver is also recommended to experienced drivers, and that is to drive a modest car with safety features. Not only will teenage drivers develop a “lead-foot” behind the wheel of a fast car, so will experienced drivers. While the teenage driver feels invincible, the experienced driver feels that because of his experience in driving, he can handle driving the fast car at high speeds, safely. Auto insurance companies end up paying more in claims for speedy cars, so they charge more to insure them. The safety features of a car — such as airbags or an alarm — help protect from more severe body injuries or finding the location of the vehicle, which means the insurance company will payout less in claims filed in the end.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
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